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Enos Berry

It is not known for sure, but it is presumed to be circa 1884, that Enos Berry penned the following.


In committing these notes and memoirs of my daily life and travels etc to paper, it is with the sole object of being able when I shall have become old and gray to look back upon the many changes and strange vicissitudes of life I may have passed through. As it is only intended for private use, some members of my descendants, direct or induced, I shall here relate what has actually occurred, good, bad or indifferent as I consider every man has his failings, and that I am not one little better than the rest of mankind in general.


To commence then.


My father, William Dan Berry, was born of poor but decent people at Mirfield, in the County of Yorkshire. Naturally of a scientific turn of mind, he would doubtless have attained to some high position in the world of science had he not had the misfortune in the early part of his life cut short his career in that direction. About this time he became engaged to my mother Mary Berry also belonging to the same village.


She came from a good old family, the Greens of Yorkshire, Yeoman's or gentleman farmers who after numerous reverses of fortune had settled down quietly to await further developments, prosperous or otherwise. Thus living close to each other no wonder an attachment sprung up which being united proved on ones part lasting unto death.


My father thus being incapacitated and barred from entering the higher standards of business life had to be content with commencing life under disheartening circumstances but such was his aptitude for business combined with energies so fully developed and maintained that until his late life he conducted one of the most flourishing concerns that he ever brought his skills to bear upon. To raise a business from a mere nothing as it were, to one of comparative richness simply testified to his undiminished energies, ingenuity and resources.


Seven sons and three daughters were born and safely reared but at what a cost of material, anxieties, hopes and disappointments. Thus first born James, a bright boy on whom their hopes were centered after a prospering year of business life unhappily fell away from his home surroundings and entered the Army as a private soldier at the early age of 16 years.


My father and mother had always looked upon the Army as a refuge for roves and vagabonds and their dismay may be pictured as the evil tidings were brought to them one evening that their first-born had enlisted into the 7th Royal Dragoon guards. Never shall I forget the scene enacted in our humble home that night.


Bitter, bitter tears were shed on all sides and the night was given up to prayers for the prodigal son, by both parents. But the die was cast and for 4 long years he came not. Only at intervals came long letters describing his soldier's life and hopes and fears. My mother bore the separation heroically and the wound was partially healed when he came home on furlough and shortly after his return to barracks sufficient funds were scraped together to purchase his discharge thus severing his connection with the Army.


I think he would have been much better off had he remained in the Army as he had there contracted the pernicious evil habit of drinking which has clung to him to this day. This is the only failing that he has got and God forbid that I should be his judge as we have all got our faults and a more generous hearted lad never breathed air and my only hope that in the time to come when we are called aloft to be weighed in the balance that he will not be found wanting.


All this caused my dear mother much anxiety as every parent well knows how dear to them is their first born, but alas it was not the first load of troubles she had to bear. He married not wisely, but too well, a young woman from the village of Worsbane Dale near Barnsley but that only seemed to make matters worse and after losing or resigning several excellent situations in which his services were very highly valued he at last turned gentleman on his means, but even this got to monotonous and he is at the time I write in the mounted constabulary in the City of London in England. I should say this would suit his tastes to perfection being and accomplished swordsman and a proficient rider.


The second issue was a girl, Eliza Jane. Happily she proved a good obedient useful daughter and was a great help in assisting Mother in her numerous household duties. Financial difficulties was at this time very deplorable, hence it was deemed necessary that she should assist in providing means for the younger portion of the family and right well she did. She filled her part of the contract. A better help or hard worker never breathed and I think she bears to this day traces of her heavy physical labors.


Being a girl of course she did not give her parents as much trouble as the boys and I thank God for it as she helped to materially lessen our dear mothers heavy cares. As all girls have, she had a lover when the time properly arrived but he proved to be deeply addicted to beer drinking and as she was a through hater of intoxicants, she and mother came to the conclusion that her life's happiness would be endangered did she marry him.


So she quietly but firmly refused any further advances and he shortly afterwards left the country and I recently heard that he died from the effects of hard drinking in some foreign city. Recently she married a Mr. Charles Day of York, and I learn that she is at last comfortably settled in that renowned city and I was very pleased to hear it. He ought to make her a good husband and she well deserved all the love that can be lavished on her.


Since mother's death and up to the time of her marriage with Mr. Day she conducted the household and right well did she do so. Poor girl, she had to work hard for us all but she bore all without a murmur and now she enjoys a well earned rest in comparatively wealthy surroundings and I trust that she will never more feel the sting of heavy labor and anxiety in this world.


The next was another boy, Tom William by name who grew up sturdy fellow full of independent and self-oppionated ways. He early commenced to labor for the common good of the family and proved about one of the most obedient, dutiful and hard working sons in the whole family. He too had his faults so I will refrain from any further remarks on that score. A kinder and more affectionate brother never breathed and home interests he ever looked after to my thinking is a great trait in a sons character. He early became enamored of a country girl named Mary A Turner of Aonley, Yorkshire. The courtship was not very long but I think the after results amply testified that for once the old saying "marry in haste and repent at leisure" was wrong. At the time I write they had either 5 or 6 children and all are strong and hardy like their father. They live very happily and I think always wide. He naturally assisted father in building up the business they are now engaged in Viz Electrical Engineering.


The next one was a boy Arthur by name, but quite different from Arthur the legend of the Round table. A quiet lad that liked to do as he pleased, with quaint eccentric ways he caused us all much amusement. Still he did not give his parents much trouble, which is saying a good deal. He had a most remarkable retentive memory when young but I cannot say if he still retains it. He had some hankering after ventriloquism and could manipulate his voice not a little but I think he abandoned that amusement. He also commenced very early to labor for the common good of the ship and started his business career as that of Telegraph Operator on the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. He continued thus for a considerable time and at last left that to go into the Goods Department of the same Railway at Huddesfield, Yorkshire. When last heard of him he was still there and what is better still a bachelor. I don't think he will ever get married being a very shy and reserved fellow amongst the other sex.


Never mind Arthur old fellow, bachelors as a rule have a jolly old time of it. No mother in law constantly hanging about your coat lapels and no brawling kids to make night hideous with their incessant cackling.


The next child again was a boy, Hubert Augustus. What a high sounding name to be sure. A Strong hearty little fellow he nevertheless caused his parents much anxiety by his daredevil tricks and pugnacious propensities. To such an extent did he carry on his weird ways that at last he was threatened to be sent to the Reformatory, which in the eyes at that time was a dreadful thing. But I think this was only said to frighten him or very likely was it that mother in her great love she bore him could not bear the idea of him being banished an so he remained and grew worse if anything. Anyway he soon had to commence work and that I think quickly knocked the stuffing out of him.


He quieted down somewhat but such was the density of his wild temperament that it could not be thoroughly be eradicated. He also entered the Railway telegraph and had several narrow escapes from being killed by trains and such like. He however got tired of this and entered the Locomotive department but even that did not further enough excitement for him so he repeated my elder brothers lesson Viz joined the Army as a Private in the 25th Kings Own Bonderers (Foot Regiment). From that he was exchanged into the 71st Highland Light Infantry and served in the Egyptian War of 1880/82 and was in the engagements at Kassassin and Tel-el Kebir. I think he was very wild when in the army but I cannot say. I being out in the West Indies at the time. At least I suppose he sowed his wild oats same as the rest of us. I think I love him more then any of the others but why I cannot say. A true good-natured fellow, ever ready to defend the right against the wrong, he makes hoses of friends wherever he goes.


He left the army after 4 years in the ranks and went to work with father. Soon after this he and I got into a terrible mess which cost my father some pounds and which was nearly the means of getting Hubert committed for Manslaughter. I think this tamed or sobered both himself and I not a little. (I would love to know what happened then.) He shortly afterwards got married to a girl of the name Hall, but as I've left the country I cannot say what she is like. He writes me and says she makes him a good wife and that is all he requires but that he thinks the could have any children yet awhile.


The next was also a boy and which prove to be my humble self) born 17th September 1861) but of this and my subsequent career I shall treat separately.


Yet another boy named Frederick. The sixth son and one of the quietest and well behaved in the whole lot. He grew up a strong and able-bodied little fellow. He had a pretty long spell at school before commencing his business career and when he did so it was as assistant in a drapers store in Huddesfield. At this time he had not shown much roving propensities, on the contrary I thought he would go quietly plodding along life's journey from day to day but the time was not far distance when his whole life was to change until he got to be as bad as my humble self in the craving for fresh scenes and pastures new. It was while working at Manchester in Lancashire that he took it into his head to try a soldiers life in South Africa. Joining the Cape Rifles as Private he proceeded to that country and at several stations till he had saved some 40/50 pounds whereupon he bought out and proceeded home.


Why he did this I am unable to say, but even then England had no charms for him but he again enlisted into the 6th Dragoon Guards or Carabineers . From Canterbury he proceeded to India and when I last heard from him he was at a place called Sialkoti, in Northern India. He grew up a very tall dark swarthy fellow and resembled an Arab more than an Englishman. What his future career will be I am unable to say but very probably it will be as varied as my own.


The seventh a last boy was Charles, a sprightly child who used to perform innumerable gymnastic feats even whilst a wee toddler. Such as falling backwards off chairs, rolling down a steep flight of stairs or tapping his claret bottle by the kind help of the stone floor. He also had a pretty long spell at school before commencing his career as that of Clerk in a Solicitors Office in the town of Huddesfield. He very early took to music and was very proficient on the violin when he was 15 years of age. He grew up a tall able-bodied young fellow, very fond of sports such as Swimming, football etc. But curbant life did not exactly suit him so one day he quietly levanted saying he was going to the West Indies as overseer on a sugar plantation, but having my suspicions aroused I traced him to where he had enlisted in the Royal Engineers as Electrician. This life seems to agree with him capitally and doubtless he will soon work his way up that famous corps. At the time I write he is in Nova Scotia, British North America.


It may be inferred from the aforesaid short biographies that most of the sons were inclined to Military Professions. What attractions it had for them I am unable to say. Never the less as I said previously the Army after all is said and done is an excellent school to train a youth up amenable to discipline, manliness and strength of character. Many people are against their sons entering the ranks but these people are only prejudiced and if everyone were like them we would have no men to defend our hearths and homes against invasion by Foreign hordes. So let every honest citizen heartily toast "Success to our Army and Navy." May they always be successful both on land and sea.


Thus ends the short records of my brother's lives so far. I wish I could get them to write some parts or portion of their experiences etc but I am afraid this would be impossibility. So I must do the best I can and if possible glean from them at intervals some records of their future careers and I shall write herein.


Two daughters were born after Charles whose names  were respectively Gertrude and Elizabeth. Their lives so far have been uneventful and I trust happy. At the time I write Gertrude id 17 or 18 years of age and Elizabeth about 2 years younger. Both grew up handsome girls and I trust I shall, ere long, have much pleasure in recording them having made successful marriages.


In the year 1861 there stood at the N.E. entrance of the Railway tunnel at Shibden, Halifax, a substantial looking stone house. The occupants were my parents and their 6 children. My father at this time was employed by the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company. It was in the above dwelling that I was born on September 17th A.D. 1861. Thus the first critical moments of my life passed there in safety and my shrill infantile wails were drowned in the shrill whistle and heavy roaring sounds of railway  trains as they thundered along the iron bound track running by the door.


Born within sight and hearing of the Iron Horse which some years previously had revolutionized the whole world no wonder as I grew older that my sole delight was in watching the trains as they at intervals all day and night flew past with their lining freight. While yet I was in arms my father was transferred to another station, Brookdale, and near to this place he moved his whole family which at this point was getting rather numerous His salary being very low, they had to work to make both ends meet. They always managed to maintain their position respectably and to keep a little above the common run of the people surrounding us. Being an agricultural district the people we were amongst were not the gentlest but still for all their rough ways they could be kind and evil enough at times.


Thus the years rolled slowly by. Finances did not improve any and mother and father had all their work cut out to keep us well and hearty. Sickness was almost unknown amongst us and this tended a great deal palliate their heavy labor for our maintenance. As soon as I had reached a proper age I was packed off to school along with Arthur and Hubert to learn the Golden Rule of Life. Of all the ups and downs at this point it would be hard to relate. The school at Brockholes was situated at the foot of a slight hill from whence could be gleaned a fine view of the Hagwood in the background whilst in the middle distance comprised the Cotton and Woolen Mills with a stream meandering by their walls. Brockholes doubtless obtained its name from the great numbers of Badgers found there in former days thus Brock, Anglo Saxon for for badgers and Holes their abodes amongst the rocks where they were found. The word literally means badger holes.


At this time we were living at the junction of the Holonfirth and Peniston line of rails from whence could be seen in the background a long stretch of the famous Pennine Ranges or commonly called "Backbone of Old England" whilst could be seen the small places of Honley to the right and Holinfirth to the left. Being a very quiet place where we were located most of our younger days were passed in company with our quiredom friends and playmates the Mosses whose farm adjoined our home. A lovely spot in summertime but a bleak desolate looking country in wintertime.


What happy days we used to have during the long spells of summer. Anon, gathering the rich blackberries from their hidden recesses in some somber looking woods. Now gathering primroses and the choice flowers in the open fields. Occasionally we would play truant and instead of proceeding to school our steps would be directed in an entirely other direction and the day would be spent in looking for bird nests, bathing and climbing high trees. We were in the habit of carrying our dinners as the distance from our home to school was as far as I can recollect about one and a half miles a distance which precludes our returning for meals during school hours.


Fights were very numerous amongst us, the boys of the district being of a hardy and fearless kind, kicks and blows being taken and given without showing the white feather. Woe be to him that turned and ran, for a further severe thrashing rewarded his cowardice. Sometimes as I sit and think of our happy childhood days which we are doomed to see no more on this earth. To our youthful eyes at that period no doubt school tasks appear tiresome and irksome especially to those of a wandering turn of mind and vivacious temperament.


How hateful the lessons, how long the hours seemed ere school was over and we could wend our way homewards. But could we see those times with matured eyes as we do now, how different should we act. The moments spent in idleness and play, the lessons half learnt and soon forgotten what we would not give to have thoroughly remembered. But, so it is as our chances of improvement during the whirl of life becomes more rare how many there are who consequent on their youthful follies have to take a back seat in the Theater of Life.


How different too are the winter days to summer, when the mornings broke dull and somber looking, the ground knee deep in snow, long icicles hanging from the roof to the ground, large trees bending beneath their heavy weights, the cold piercing which cut through our very frames. Ah me, what task to get to school in those days, to be half frozen in the large room inadequately furnished with fires. Oh, how still were our little fingers and hands, how cold were our feet, which were encased in clogs.


Thrice happy were he who were seated the nearest to the stone containing the fire and how dejected and pitiful looking were those whose seats were at the very back. Still winter had its charms, for could we not have long slides in the lanes and on the ponds. And such snowball fights we had in which forbidden stones were offtimes placed to pay off old grudges to some we did not like.


Then to gather round the big fire at home in the evenings whilst outside the winter winds howled round the building and the blinding snow piled itself up against the walls. At these periods each had their share of work to do and how bitterly did we to go through our outdoor tasks. Thus our youthful days passed by only too quickly and by the time I was of age it was high time for me to prepare myself for work and to assist my parents in providing food for the younger ones.


But previous to this what unhappy hours have I caused to them by my waywardness and folly. Naturally of a buoyant and roving disposition my sole delight was in reading forbidden Blood and Thunder books such as "Boys of England," "Captain Tom Drake" "The Buccaneer Boy," "Young Men of Great Britain" and such other nonsensical till my mind was impregnated with rovers deeds that thoroughly disgusted and discontented with a quiet life I resorted to all kinds of means (some of them far from honorable) to gain my object of going to sea.


Thrice did I run away from home only to be unsuccessful and brought back. Thus my path of life has not been thrown in the direction most suited to my taste and inclination. I should have been packed off to sea and given a trial but in my case it was entirely different. Mother if her great love she bore us all could not bear no separation and so it came about that when I really could choose my path it was too late and the chance was gone.


I think that it is every parent's duty to sound their sons and daughter's wishes as to their inclination or future careers and at least give them a trial in the profession they would most to adopt. Of course a stricter supervision of the part of parents should be adopted in the case of females as to the profession as they being the weaker nature are more prone to fall away than the males. I think if this was thoroughly understood by parents much inconvenience and trouble would be saved them in after life. How many young men are given professions where tastes lay in quite an opposite direction. How bright some girls lives would be if they were employed in some labor more congenial to their sex. What misery and discomfort would be prevented?


A great mistake to quote scriptures and say "Be thou content in the land which the Lord thy God hath given unto thee." What an absurdity. If every man stayed in his own country and never went out of it, it stands to reason the country would soon be overpopulated. As a rule the Immigrants from any country are generally the most pushing and energetic and the founders of future Cities and Empires. Those that stay at home and are content to dawdle their lives away in some obscure spot are the nee-do-wells, the nondescripts of society, men who are forever tied to their mothers apron strings.


No ambition, no life, no nothing, a mere piece of animated machinery anchored down in the spot only to be aroused or torn from their anchorage at the day of judgment. No I never wanted to be one of these class of individuals but preferred to seek fresh fields and pastures new. But my objects were not attained before a long period had passed over. I do not think that had I been put to the profession I most coveted I should at this moment be far advanced on the road to prosperity in a good and honorable career. My natural abilities, tastes, all tended in that direction and if I had only been shown some encouragement be it ever so slight my path in life would not have been as erratic as what it now is.


Of my playmates and companions little can be said. They are about all married and have families, some are dead, others I suppose are wanderers of the face of Gods earth same as myself. What their ultimate fates will be I know not. Probably we shall meet the same fate, may die alone and uncared for in some weird savage land amongst hordes of incarnate savages. Perhaps furnish a substantial flesh feast for a number of dusty warriors whose fathers before them were also eaters of human flesh.


What odds about fate as long as the spirit has flown. All the tortures of the dammed (and savage blacks of the South Sea Islands can furnish these) cannot avail anything. The only puzzle to me is "If I were roasted and eaten by a horde of cannibals, how could I and where should I rise at my last day. Surely my body would not be endeavoring to collect itself into some semblance to human shape from the stomachs of some two dozen savages!!!!" But what irrelevant remarks to be sure.


As most of my young days had been passed amongst railroad men, engines and all the paraphernalia attached to that branch of industry it was quite natural that I should be placed in some billet in connection with that department. So I was sent into the employ of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Co. as a telegraph operator. This time we were living at Brockhole and the nearest manufacturing town being Huddesfield to the main Railway Office in this town.


I was sent as messenger on a morning in the month of June A.D. 1874. Here I was subject to all the petty annoyances a raw un is subject to from his Commanding Officer and Senior Clerks. Running here and there with telegrams across a network of lines to different offices. One moment in front of a flying express, at other leisurely walking across the rails before some lumbering goods train creeping slowly past and out into the country. Many a hair breath escape have I had on those dangerous lines, which the very collection of now almost makes my hair stand on end.


Once I remember seeing a chosen companion in a carriage compartment in the forepart of the train and being desirous of reaching him the only way was to open the door and creep along the transverse carriage steps until I got to him. All this time the train was actually going a mile a minute in which case had I made one false step or missed my hold as I let go one support and caught another I should have been dashed to the ground and either be killed by the fall or cut to pieces beneath the wheels.


Another time I was seeing how far I could ride, before being compelled by the momentary increase in the train speed, to drop off on to the ground. The speed was getting terrific and I soon had to make up my mind whether to jump or be taken on to the next station. Not liking to be compelled to have recourse to the latter I shut my eyes and let go alighting on the ground with a thud, turning over and over again like a ball and rolling within six inches of the wheel of the last carriage. Six inches further and I should have been decapitated leaving a trunk less body as a horrible witness to my foolhardiness.


Whilst acting as operator at Brockholes I was walking along the platform with a train going out. The platform was crowded with people going to the Saturday Market and thus was brought within a few inches of the rapidly receding carriages. One of the porters named George Milner playfully (I think) gave me a gentle push and knocked me against the carriage. Everyone sung out that I was cut to pieces as they saw me vainly trying to prevent myself from being drawn between the platform and the carriage wheels. But after a supreme effort and some assistance from a passenger I managed to push myself clear of the carriage thus escaping in a miraculous manner from certain death. It made little impression on my mind but now when I think of it and other similar escapes a horrible feeling overcomes me.


Whilst learning my duties as operator I was thrown into company with others of my age who held different appointments on the station. Carriage cleaners, Train Bookers, Check Clerks and others to numerous to mention. Their examples were not of the choicest kind, some of them being veritable blackguards. Thus I learnt a good many vices, which to others more circumspect would be repugnant. Still we cannot go through the fire without being burnt and happy are those who get through the fire and are safe afterwards.


I remember one operator named Charlesworth, a great smoker, drinker, and chewer, once giving me a plug of tobacco and telling me to take to chewing. To make myself look tall in the eyes of all I did take it and shoving it into my mouth on the left side I took myself off to my work. Ah but, what agony did I suffer from that fatal plug of tobacco. Unconsciously I swallowed the whole of it and the vision that passed before my heated brains were something marvelous. Being winter time I had on a large thick overcoat. Presently I began to sweat. The sweating increased till drops ran off my heated body like drops from a shower bath. Terrible upheavals from my stomach accompanied by cold and hot sweats rendered that day of business and as I thought supreme enjoyment into one of unmistakable anguish and agony and remorse.


With dejected mien and face the color of a corpse I strove to do my duty and how glad was I when the days work ended and I proceeded home and straight to bed. Not another quid passed my lips after that and it is with great abhorrence I see men passing junks of that vile production into their mouths. A lesson well taught and never forgotten.


While in the service I was shifted about from place to place, first Brockholes then Shepley, Brighouse in turn till I thought I could better myself by resigning my services as operator in the L&Y Rails Co., which I did in the month of May 1876.


I immediately joined the firm of Samuel Smith and Co. Cotton Manufacturers, Brockholes whose mills were situated in a valley some quarter of a mile distance from our home. I was here employed as clerk but did not stay long on account of a clerk named Morswick resuming his duties there after a broken period. Work here was not as varied as the Telegraph Lines. My chief delight was in making violent boyish love to several girls employed in the Mills who petted me to a marked degree.


Some of these antics were not of the most innocent nature but what can you expect from wild uncultivated girls. One of the girls named Beck I had more than a passing regard for but circumstances willed that our lives should lay far apart. Ah me, what a difference from the boy of that time and the man after all the traveling I have gone through what would I not give to be as pure and innocent as I was them.


Traveling, in a certain degree tends to broaden a man's view of things in general. He forms opinions of men's ways and character much quicker and on a sounder basis than what he would if he had less intercourse with his fellow creatures but at the same time he slips into ways and vices which a man steadied down in one place is little likely to encounter.


His nature seems likely to get more hardened and callous to feelings of others but sill he is more self reliant, more confident of his resources, much quicker at insight into men's ways and customs, than the man who has traveled little and seen less. And very probably were his true nature revealed he would be more tender and more faithful towards his fellow men, for has he not been at some period or other in his travels brought face to face with death, disease and human miseries of every description. An epidemic here, a wreck there, fierce struggles with hostile tribes on distance lands all tend to make him more sensitive to human feelings but which soft part is generally covered by an outward appearance of nonchalance.


I left Smith & Co. on the 11th August 1876 and entered the General Post Office, Huddesfield as probationer in the Telegraph Department on the same day Viz August 11th 1876. This was an entirely new career and one, which I took the greatest interest. Day and night I struggled till I was proficient in the Art of Telegraphy and the time spent there has been repaid since.


My companions were more hand picked than my former fellow operators. The instruments were more varied and interesting than heretofore. Thus the years flew by without the slightest notice on my part. A congenial set of fellows in the office and taking all things into consideration one of the greenest spots in the desert of my life.


What fun old Drake and I used to have together on night watch after all the parliamentary business had come through. What yarns we used to spin to the girls at the distant ends of the lines. And little Pearson, what a rum little card he was to be sure. He hailed from Slawil or Slaikwaili as it is properly called. He was a crack operator of the office and was a marvelous little wonder in Telegraphy. An old fox too, now in South Africa, what quondam mates he and I used to be. What tricks we used to play on the girl operators at this period just recently induced into service.


And old Sykes, Quarmby Lister, Brookes Hewitt, Cook and a list of others. Where are they now? Some scattered to the four winds of heaven, most of them married and here am I alone and as the term goes "In my Glory."


On July 30th 1877 I was sent to Blackheaton a village some 12 to 13 miles from headquarters as Relief Officer there and which tended to break the monotony of my official duties. I was there till the 18th September when I returned to headquarters. They evidently intended keeping me going for on the 25th November 1877 I was ordered to a small village called Millbrook which lay just outside Stalybridge to open the Telegraph Office and instruct the man (a grocer) who was to take charge of it. I was again returned to headquarters on January 14th in the year 1878.


My time was now unbroken till July 26th 1878 when I left the Service rather abruptly and proceeded to Liverpool on important business. Returning from there the same month "Where I highly distinguished myself!!!!" I obtained billets as Mess-about or rouse-about in the Electrical Works of Messrs Sanderson & Co, St Johns Road Haddonfield. I entered this service on the 6th August 1878 and continued there for some time.


My father was at this time employed in the same firm as Traveler. The work was not altogether distasteful to me and whilst there learnt some few things that has proved very useful to me since. Nothing of very great importance occurred here only that my chief duties were in scaling high chimney stacks and other dangerous work connected with Electrical Engineering. Getting tired of it as last I left on the 14th June 1879 and re-entered the General Post Office, Huddesfield as Operator on 16th June the same year.


Thus I was once again amongst my old friends and dearest of all, my favourite Telegraph Machine. Home affairs prospered very well but in midst of the brightness a dense cloud swooped down and covered the horizon. I refer to my dear Mothers death, which took place in the month of August 1789. Sometime previous to this great blow she had been ailing somewhat but we all thought there was nothing serious so unusually calm was she.


But on the Sunday afternoon she wished to be carried to bed so Hubert took her in his strong arms and laid her to rest and she never afterwards rose from her couch but gradually sank till she passed into the world beyond.


Ah me! What a time of trouble this was. All of us were gathered round her at the last moment, all except Hubert and Jimmy. They were the only two absentees but I think she was beyond all knowledge of their places being blank when she passed away.


Her work was done, her family was reared and she was beginning to enjoy a well-earned rest when the angel of Death swept swiftly by and carried her away to that bourne from whence no traveler returns. God in his infinite goodness and mercy thought fit to take her to his own and after all it may have been for the best.


The different members of the family have scattered broadcast on the face of the globe and it would have been certain death to her to witness our long departure from the paternal roof. Yes, she is where there are no troubles and weary are the rest. The funeral cards tastefully got up bore the simple word " A Faithful Wife and Devoted Mother." What a world of meaning lies in those simple words, which were chosen as a fitting tribute to her memory by my father.


The house looked gloomy enough for a long while, till time, which effaces all things gradually drew a veil over the abyss but her face will still remain dear to us all and though the mountains and the seas divide her grave from me yet do I always think of her who has gone before. She lies buried in Zion Chapel Graveyard, Mirfield, Yorkshire, the village she first saw light in. She died of a pulmonary disease brought on doubtless by leading a sedentary life.


As soon as the wound had partly healed I knew there was no one now to keep me at home so I set about seeing whether or not I could visit some foreign cline or other. After a good of fossicking about I decided on resigning my services as operator in the Postal service. The Superintendent was loath to lose me but my mind was made up so bidding them all goodbye I left the Service on June the 12th 1880.


Sadly that is the end. Enos went to the East Indies for a few years and in 1883 stepped ashore on Thursday Island to once again hook up with telegraph. This time it was right from the bottom. He helped construct a telegraph line from Cooktown to the tip of Queensland, Australia. It was while this line was being constructed that he penned these lines. In 1884 Cape York was still the residence of the natives, hence his reference to being eaten by blacks. The natives at that time had seen very few white people and were a continual threat to the men working this line. Their other enemy was the wet season, where it rained so heavy for months that nothing could be done until it let up. No doubt Enos recorded his thoughts while trying to beat the boredom of waiting till the rains stopped. If Enos ever continued this narrative or kept any further diaries it is not known. All papers connected to Enos were lost in a bad flood in Rockhampton.